Conference: Toward the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership

Date of event: 12.11. 2013

The whole conference was accompanied by the director of PTCR, Alexandr Vondra. The aim of the conference was to analyze the interests and attitudes of the American, European, Czech and business perspective in the context of TTIP. In addition, speakers talked about the benefits of the agreement and the obstacles it may face.


  • Lutz Guellner, DG for Trade, European Commission
  • Lenka Zlámalová, Economic Analyst, Lidové noviny Daily
  • Simon Lester, Trade Policy Analyst, Cato Institute
  • Weston Stacey, Executive Director, American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic
  • Jan Mühlfeit, Chairman Europe, Microsoft Corporation
  • Veronika Kuchynová Šmigolová, Ambassador, Czech Envoy in TTIP negotiations
  • Jan Zahradil, MEP, AECR Chairman


RNDr. Alexandr Vondra, President of the PCTR